Lip Blush Aftercare Instructions

Maintaining proper lip blush aftercare is essential to beautiful healed results. What should you expect during the healing process? What steps should you take following your lip blush treatment?

Follow these steps below for a seamless healing process and good results.

First 24-48 hours

In the first 24-48 hours you will experience some swelling, a hot burning feeling on the lips as well as some numbing sensation immediately after your appointment from the topical numbing used .

  1. Avoid submerging your lips in water for a prolonged amount of time. This means no showering for the first 24 hours.

  2. Avoid hot and spicy foods to not irritate your lips during this sensitive time.

  3. Avoid biting, peeling or touching your lips with your bare hands,

  4. You may use an ice pack to relieve any pain or swelling but please wrap the ice in an ice pack and clean cloth so moisture does not sit directly on your lips.

  5. Was your lips with a mild cleanser in the first 24 hours immediately after eating.

    You can eat or drink immediately after your lip blush appointment. Wash your lips after eating or drinking with the cleanser provided by your technician or any mild soap like baby shampoo, Cetaphil or Cerave cleanser. Apply the aftercare ointment provided by your technician or use aquaphor or Vitamin A and D ointment. Be careful not to eat or drink spicy food or hot liquids.

Day 3

You may notice your lips feeling tight, dry, and slightly brighter in color than right after your appointment—this is completely normal. The color will gradually fade. At this point, you no longer need to cleanse your lips after eating, but continue applying the aftercare ointment as directed.

Days 4–7

During this period, your lips will begin to peel, appearing chapped and flaky. Avoid picking, peeling, or biting the scabs—allow them to fall off naturally. Do not use an exfoliating lip scrub or cloth on the healing area. If any loose scabs remain, you may gently remove them using your fingertips (not fingernails) in a light circular motion under cool running water. This should only be done to remove skin that has already detached but is still sitting on the surface.

Days 8–14

Your lips may appear lighter as the healing process continues. At this stage, the lip blush may seem faint, but don’t worry—once the skin fully heals and becomes translucent again, the implanted pigment will show through. Over time, the lip blush color will gradually "bloom" as the skin recovers.Allow 3-5 weeks to see the full results of the lip blush.

6-10 Weeks

The ideal time for your initial lip blush touch-up is between 6 to 10 weeks. While this appointment is optional, it is recommended for clients who want a brighter color, enhanced definition, color correction, or scar coverage. Touch-ups scheduled after 10 weeks may be subject to an additional fee or a yearly touch-up rate.

Healing stages of lip blush animation photos

Frequently Asked Questions about Lip Blush

Can I workout after getting lip blush?

You can work out after a lip blush appointment as there are no sweat glands on the lips and the sweating will not affect the healing of the lip blush.

Can I wear lipstick during my healing process after getting lip blush?

No, you should not wear lipstick as the lips are healing in the first 14 days after treatment. Lipsticks contain pigments, and ingredients that can interfere with the healing process. Allow the lips to heal naturally. If they feel dry or uncomfortable during the healing phase, aquaphor or a Vitamin A and D ointment is recommended.

After 14 days and the lips have fully peeled, you can wear lipstick during the light phase.

Can I use my regular lip balm on my lip blush?

As there can be a mix of many different ingredients in all types of lip balm. It is recommended to use aquaphor or a Vitamin A and D ointment only.

I am prone to coldsores. Can I get lip blush done?

Yes, you can get lip blush done if you are prone to cold sores. However, please take an antiviral 2 days before your lip blush treatment and continue with the antivirals 3 days after the lip blush appointment to prevent cold sores after the lip blush treatment.

I developed a coldsore after getting lip blush done. What can I do? Will a cold sore affect the healing of my lip blush?

If you develop a coldsore after getting lip blush done, continue with the recommended aftercare and apply over-the-counter cold sore treatment on the affected area such as Abreva to help heal the cold sore as soon as possible. If treatment of the cold sore is immediate, the lip blush may not be affected. However, the a cold sore may cause the lip blush to heal lighter or uneven in the affected area. Not to worry, this can be corrected at the touchup appointment.

Is lip blush the same as a tattoo?

Lip blush is similar to a tattoo as it uses a needle and tattoo machine to implant pigment into the skin. Lip blush differs from a tattoo due to the depth of the pigment implantation. Lip blush is implanted on the upper most layer of the skin creating a more superficial and non-permanent colour. During the lip blush procedure, there is minimum bleeding to to the technique.

Does lip blush tattoo hurt?

Lip blush treatments do have some degree of pain and depends on each individual’s pain tolerance. Numbing cream is used during the entire lip blush procedure and is reapplied every 20 mins for maximum comfort to the client. Some individuals feel no pain and can take a nap during the appointment.

How long does lip blush appointment take?

The lip blush appointment is about 2.5-3 hours. The actual tattoo time varies and usually only takes 1 hour to 1.5 hours. The rest of the appointment time is for consultation, mapping, numbing and photos.

Can lip blush make my lips appear larger?

I don’t like my lip blush colour. What can I do?

If you are still in the first 4 weeks of healing, allow your colour to settle as the colour will change continuously throughout the first 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, if you are unhappy with your colour, a touchup procedure can correct your concerns.

How long does lip blush last?

Lip blush lasts 1-3 years. The colour begins to fade in 1 year. Yearly touchups are recommended. After 3 years without any toucbups the colur should fade similar to your natural colour.

How much does lip blush cost?

Lip blush starts at $425 at our salon. It can be an extra $100 for dark lip neutralization work or any corrective colour work done y other artists.


Lip Blush Healing Process: What to expect with a lip blush treatment.